Another week has begun and as always it brings new possibilities. Very often on Monday mornings, there are thoughts of the future. Decisions are made to take action to ensure a better week. Many times, this includes momentum on how to start over on a task or desire, or what steps are needed to make the week more productive and better than the previous one.
We are all familiar with the technique of writing our goals and desires down on paper as a concrete way to focus on goals that are not a current reality. So be encouraged this Monday to take a few beginning steps and write down what the plan is to begin your path into the lucrative, ever-changing world of IT.
Making a career move can be extremely overwhelming. It can trigger feelings of anxiety, helplessness, frustration, and inadequacy. However, these feelings are just that -- emotions. The reality is any new endeavor often has some mix of these emotions. It is normal and natural to feel this way. The key is to move into an action state and out of a thinking state.
Here are three no-cost moves that you can make today to start yourself on the road to an IT career.
Move #1 – Decide that IT is the direction you want to pursue. Many times, our greatest frustrations come from the fact that we are undecided. The shifting back and forth between yes and no; no and maybe, and yes and maybe can be catastrophic to a career move. I have seen many talent persons stuck in this state for months, even years! With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic still very much active, a definitive mindset will be a powerful ally against apathy. Write down all the positives about this career field for you. Then write down anything you may perceive as negative. Ask yourself are the negatives “real” or are they just a smokescreen because you haven’t truly said “yes” yet. It is important to prove to yourself that this is what you want 100%.
Move #2 – Learn. The IT field is one of the few professions in the world where you can start at no cost. What I mean by this is you can sample the industry without a monetary risk, there is always a time exchange for anything you endeavor to do, with IT being no exception. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of beginning videos for IT. Specifically base operation environments like Linux, which is the most widely used platform in history. Linux (including all its distributions or types) are very well represented online. Taking a small amount of time to view these quick videos can help introduce you to the verbiage, configuration, components, and roles. As someone with little or no IT experience this will help dispel the negative emotions and feelings of being overwhelmed that many non-technical persons feel when they start a paid class or course in the subject matter. This is also an excellent way to gauge your true interest and discipline without putting up money upfront. Commit yourself to viewing a video or two everyday relating to the field.
Note: Eventually a paid course is necessary. It is almost impossible to know how to pursue a specific career path such as DevOps or Cloud Architecture without an accredited, structured course. These are offered here at ZiyoTek Institute of Technology.
Move #3 – Network. Right now, because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic many professional organizations are offering free access to virtual events, classes, groups, and networking sessions. Take advantage of this. Join IT organizations in your local area or online and begin to mingle and connect with others. This is a great asset that is severely under-utilized. Attend one network event a week minimum.
Lastly, reach out to us here at ZiyoTek Institute of Technology as your time and situation allows you to. We are here to discuss your options and how we can assist you to become a much-needed IT professional. Take care and stay safe